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Dear Robert,

First of all I would like to thank you for writing "Rich Dad Poor Dad." That book actually changed my life! After reading [your book] I knew there was more to life than living an ordinary life and just going through the motions like everyone else pretending to be happy. It inspired to me to want to learn more. After reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad” I found myself going to seminars on real estate, investing and most of all personal development!

It is because of Rich Dad I now live a life with a completely different mindset that inspires me to fulfil my dreams of being completely independent and financially free so that I can do what I want, when I want and with whomever I want!! Because of this mindset I feel that I am already there, I just have to follow the steps to my plan and it’s just a matter of time now! With my newfound mindset, my invaluable knowledge and plan that I gained from my Rich Dad Coach, I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I REACH MY GOAL!!!

Even then there will be new goals set and pursued!!!

I would also like to thank my Coach who was a great mentor and very supportive throughout the whole process.

Once again, thank you Robert for inspiring people all over the world to be more than just an employee and live a fulfilling life.

Yours sincerely,

— Scott M., Australia

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