We know that if we tried this on our own it would be much more difficult, and the chances of success would be slim.
As recent graduates of Georgia Southern University and young parents of a three year old with one in the oven, we knew we wanted something better for our family. The degrees we received are great to have, but they will not make us rich. As we learned from Robert’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, “Cash Flow Quadrant”, Kim’s “Rich Woman” and several other of your books, we didn’t want to stay in the “E” quadrant. We decided to start taking action now to make that change from the left to the right side of the cashflow quadrant.
We purchased the real estate coaching. It was the best decision we could have made. The desire to be a real estate investor was there but the knowledge and confidence needed some work. As newlyweds and fresh out of college, neither one of us had ever purchased a house before so we knew we had a lot to learn about the entire process. The coaching program provided us with the knowledge we craved and the accountability we need.
During phase one of the coaching, we completed all the modules and met with our coach for all of our conference calls. He helped us by going over all of our questions, but he also provided us with useful information for our specific situation. The resource line was used on a weekly basis while we worked on the modules. The modules taught us so much and answered so many of our questions. Phase one has given us the confidence and awareness to actively pursue real estate investing as rookies in the industry.
As phase two starts, we are currently working on financing techniques for a REO condo we have been looking at. We have run the numbers and the cash flow is looking very promising. We are also looking at other properties to pursue. We realize there is a long road ahead, but that getting started is the hardest part. We know that if we tried this on our own it would be much more difficult, and the chances of success would be slim. We want to thank you so much for offering a program that gave us the confidence and knowledge we needed to get started and to make a difference for our family and our future.
As we enter phase two of our coaching, we are confident that we will be making a deal on our first property. We have been actively pursuing properties for a while now and with the resource line as our guide, we know there is nothing to hold us back but ourselves. You’ve allowed us to make a huge change in our future and we are so thankful for that. We aspire to be in that position one day where we can make a difference in someone’s life through real estate investing. We would recommend this program to anyone looking to become a real estate investor. We are looking forward to our journey as we grow as investors!
— Brian and Katie W., GA, USA