I had a breakthrough during coaching and began feeling as though anything was possible. Having that mindset realization is up there with some of the most exhilarating feelings I’ve ever had
Dear Robert:
I am writing this letter to extend a “Thank You” to you and all of your Coaches that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Rich Dad Coaching has been a mind-expanding, self-discovering experience. Before participating in your coaching program, I felt I could do better with real estate investing, but didn’t have any direction. Your coaching program has given me direction.
The knowledge you provide has forever changed me and my family’s life. Fourteen years ago I was a hard-working 18 year old going into my senior year of high school, hating the idea of continuing on at a college or vocational school. At that point in my life, I had only read two books – Runaway Ralph, the Mouse and the Motorcycle and Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Seeing the ups and downs of a middle-class lifestyle growing up, I knew I wanted more. Growing up, I had many adversities and headstrong conversations with elders that believed I should do it “their way” even though it wasn’t working for them. I looked at life differently after reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. While paychecks are nice, I began focusing on working to learn rather than earn, and I never once saw myself working for someone the rest of my life.
In 2008, my wife, Laura and I were in the midst of financial difficulty and decided to participate in Rich Dad Coaching in hopes of finding a better way. We began looking at properties having no investing experience, living in my parent’s basement, credit card debt up to our ears, no jobs, one child and another one on the way. At that time, I didn’t realize how important financial education and mindset was, but began seeing things that others didn’t. Having a good construction background and sales experience, we began putting a plan together to get on the right track to financial freedom. I remember looking at numerous properties, not yet believing or knowing how we could do it. Instant success didn’t happen, but we continued to work hard while focusing on our goals and continued to invest in our education. As I learned more, I began to be more selective about who I listened to and what type of education I invested in. One thing that always stuck in my head was to watch “who” to listen to and if you don’t want to be like that person, be careful, because sometimes free advice can be the most costly.
In 2015, I signed up for Rich Dad Coaching for a second time. I didn’t really know what I wanted out of the program this time, but once again, knew I could do better. Coaching gave me direction that propelled me forward faster. Mindset change and financial education does not come over night. I was more prepared to learn and notice those realizations this time. Your coaching program guided me to the next stage, and I realized I needed to give myself credit for the hard work and determination I dedicated thus far. I had a breakthrough during coaching and began feeling as though anything was possible. Having that mindset realization is up there with some of the most exhilarating feelings I’ve ever had.
My wife and I just turned 32 years old and we are out of the Rat Race and well on our way to reaching new goals that will enhance our lives. Today we are enjoying life with our four boys and feel free in knowing that regardless of the challenges ahead, we will find a solution and learn and grow. I don’t know if I would have captured that mindset realization without your coaching program. I have learned a lot though the coaching sessions and would really like to personally thank my Coach for being a great mentor and inspiration. Completing the coaching program is a bittersweet feeling and I will definitely miss our weekly sessions.
Thanks again Robert and everyone else that makes it possible!
— Nick W., South Dakota, USA