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Dear Mr. Kiyosaki,

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Rich Dad Coaching Program. The program has been very beneficial to me because it has made me aware of what I have to change in regards to my goal setting, managing of my time and my thought patterns, to successfully exit the Rat Race. The program also gave me an empathetic and supportive coach to encourage me and give me suggestions to work through any challenges I had during the process.

I learned from the Module Assignments and through my Rich Dad Coach that setting specific goals is the first thing that a person must do to get where they want to go. By having a plan of things I must do to reach my goal, I feel more in control of my time and motivated that I can accomplish my goals.

During my coaching sessions, I realized how I was spending my time and she reminded me that I need to do things that will bring me closer to my goal and avoid activities that will sidetrack me from my goal. As a result, I am more conscious how I spend my time.

I would like to say that I enjoy reading your books on Financial Literacy and greatly appreciate all the valuable information you have taught me through your books.

Have a great day, 

— Wayne C., WI, USA

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