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Dear Mr. Kiyosaki,

When I began the Rich Dad Coaching program I was already fired up and anxious to learn and to take action.  I was reading all of your books on real estate and researching everything I could online about the subject.  I also had just gotten involved with a multilevel marketing company that has an unbelievable nutritional product that made me feel amazing, and I was excited to jump into that and start spreading the word.  I also had just recently begun the process of reorganizing my small business.

I was all over the place, but extremely motivated.  I was trying to get all three of my ventures up and running, but I wasn't making much progress with any of them.  My coach was instrumental in reining me in and helping me to focus my energy and motivation into the one venture that was the most important at the moment to get completed, my small business.  I own a seasonal Halloween store and had recently broken away from a group that I was associated with and started new on my own.

My coach explained the importance of focusing on one thing until I completed it successfully before moving onto my other ventures.  This was more helpful to me that I could have ever imagined!  I was incredibly amazed at how much I accomplished and how quickly I accomplished it when I began to do this. 

During our sessions together, I successfully incorporated my business, put together my team, submitted my mark and name for trademarking, formed an extremely beneficial partnership with a group who will provide me with a whole new customer base, found a website developer who helped me procure my domain name (which had already been taken) and created a wonderful website for me, secured 2 great sites for the stores I will have this year, written policies and procedural manuals as well as an employee hand book for my new business, secured a line of credit from a bank for my new business, joined the Chamber of Commerce and much more.  I also learned the process of finding a real estate  investment market, putting together my team for helping me find my investment property, calculating whether a property is a good investment or not, and how to find alternative sources of money for investment purposes.

Although I signed up for the coaching program to learn about real estate investing, I was ecstatic to find that this program was helping me with my small business as well!  As we come to the end of our sessions, I have almost come to the end of reorganizing my business and soon will begin to start setting up my stores for the season. 

My plan for the future, now that I know how to find good cash flow properties, is to take profits from my sales for this year and store it  in cash flow properties.  I will also reinvest my profits into expanding and duplicating the system I have created for my small business into other cities and open more stores.

I am grateful for the help that my coach has given me and for this program that you put together.  It has been invaluable to me, as has my coach, and I will continue to grow and learn as much as I can.  I plan to share everything I have learned with whoever is interested so that others may benefit from this as well. Thank you all so very much.

— Shelley C., CA, USA

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